Wednesday, April 16, 2008

trumpette baby socks

fact: baby socks do not stay on. but trumpette socks do.

have you seen little boys wearing socks that look like high tops? little girls wearing socks that look like mary janes? those are trumpette!

trumpette socks come in great patterns and bright colors. want socks that look like golf shoes or cowboy boots? looking for polka dots, stripes or even tiny argyle? trumpette socks are for you.

as we said: most baby socks fall off when they're little, and get pulled off when they're bigger. but trumpette socks seem to have the magic ability to stay where they belong - on tiny baby feet. not only that, but they'll stand up to the ten billion washings you'll put them through and still come out looking shiny and new.

* thanks to jen for reminding us about trumpette!


Melissa said...

Do they make these in Melissa size? I want them.
Why do I feel like your sister would know where to find an adult version... :)

ek said...

melis - she totally would. i'll put her to work on that asap. :)