Friday, May 9, 2008

skwish classic

skwish me!

another toy from the files of "cole will eat all his friend oliver's toys."

i'd been eying manhattan toy's skiwsh classic for a while in different stores, but i really wasn't sure about it. don't get me wrong - it was cool looking, but i wasn't sure if cole would find it interesting. after all, it's just a series of colorful wooden beads and rods linked together by a stretchy rope system.

then i picked it up. the beads rattle around with a clankity-clank and the ropes allow baby to stretch and skwish the toy and it always bounces back to its original shape. oh, and my son? LOVED it! couldn't put it down. and suddenly i knew why every other baby seems to be dragging the skwish classic everywhere they go.

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