Sunday, May 18, 2008

aden + anais muslin baby wraps

my baby's melting, just use these wraps when it is hot hot hot!

i don't know about where you live, but here in foggy san francisco it has been uncharacteristically, scorchingly, stiflingly hot. (okay, it's all relative, but trust me: in a city with no air conditioning, it's pretty effing hot.)

it's this type of heat that causes me to call every mom friend i know and have the following conversation:

me: it's so hot.
mom friend: blaaaargh. i'm melting my baby.
me: me too. what is your baby wearing to sleep?
mf: i have NO idea. it's soooooo haaaaaaawwwt.
me: ugh. my baby is going to melt in the middle of the night. haaaaaawt.

and so on.

aden + anais baby wraps are made of lightweight cotton muslin. their unique fabric is both light and stretchy, snuggly and soft. aden + anais wraps are also large enough to actually swaddle your baby when they're bigger than 4 days old, unlike some other swaddle blankets.

aden + anais' wide assortment of wraps and blankets provide moms with something for every occasion - a summer coverup for babies on the go, a breathable summer swaddle, an airy sunshade for tykes in their's the perfect addition to your overflowing "on-the-go" kit for warm weather outings.

thanks to debbie and little asher for the heads up!

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