Thursday, May 15, 2008

quiet loud by leslie patricelli

quiet... LOUD!!!

we've been doing a lot of reading in our house lately now that cole is transitioning from eating books to actually listening when i read them out loud.

i am absolutely in love with leslie particelli's board books. her illustrations are perfect, featuring a wide-eyed toddler who acts out each set of opposites throughout the book. the bright colors, clever drawings and clean lines will quickly engage your little one as you demonstrate things like "birds are quiet - airplanes are loud."

crayons are quiet - and pots and pans are really effing loudthe favorite in our house? "fishies are quiet - doggies are loud," which shows a barking dog and a toddler putting his fingers in his ears.

apparently leslie patricelli could see in the windows of my house when she was illustrating this book, because in my house, doggies are very, very loud.

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