Wednesday, June 11, 2008

the rookie mom's handbook me get out of the house!

being a new mom is hard work. and not what a lot of us expect. (what? was it unrealistic to think that my son would put himself to bed every night?) sometimes moms wake up in the morning and think, "what the heck am i going to do today?"

the rookie mom's handbook has a list of 250 activities to do with - or without - your little dictator. designed exclusively for first-time moms, the handbook contains helpful tips like "7 reasons to leave the house each day, " which believe me - you may need at first.

the rookie mom's handbook is thoughtfully divided up into sections of what to do according to baby's age, from "taking baby steps" to " now we're cruising." suggestions range from getting in touch with mommy friends to venturing out to a baby-friendly movie.

as the authors say, sometimes as a new mom it's hard to think and you need to be told what to do. and they tell you.

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