Wednesday, July 2, 2008

babyhawk baby carriers

when cole was first born, we carried him everywhere in his carseat. then we realized that maybe, just maybe, he actually wanted to look around. so we inherited a baby bjorn from a friend and i have to say, it worked surprisingly well despite looking like a frat guy's bedspread in all its navy and red plaid glory. seriously, this thing was ugly as sin. (um... thanks, joe, for the loan!)

then my friend katrina e-mailed me the other day asking if i'd heard of babyhawk carriers. i clicked through to their sassy website and discovered what are hands-down the best looking baby carriers i've ever seen. their wide variety of colors and cool fabrics (retro bird prints? yes! punk rock baby skulls in bright aqua? yes again!)were much cooler than what i own.

babyhawk mei tai's (designed after traditional asian baby carriers) were designed by a mom looking for a carrier that was not only stylish, but comfortable and safe. the straps are wide and durable and the mei tai provides lots of support for your little one (and you!) as you traipse all over town. you can carry baby on the front, back or even on your hip if you want to mix things up.

the coolest part about babyhawk is that you can actually design your own carrier. you can choose from over 300 fabrics and 15 strap colors to create a babyhawk that's all your own. no ugly bedspread babies for you! go babyhawk instead.

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