Wednesday, May 14, 2008

alphabet 'n numbers foam puzzle mat

my love, the alphabet'n numbers foam puzzle

dear alphabet 'n numbers foam puzzle mat,

i owe you a serious apology. i'm so sorry i knocked you in that post i put up last week. i may have mentioned you weren't as cute as some other foam mats. i also may have said something about never wanting you in my house. i'll admit it out loud for everyone to hear: i was wrong.

forgive me, baby. i didn't realize how affordable you were. i didn't appreciate your a-z alphabet letters and 0-9 multicolored numbers. i didn't realize that you were so soft and squishy. you proved me wrong.

you're generously sized and cover up to 36 square feet. you fit perfectly in my living room, much to my simultaneous delight and chagrin. your bright colors are endearing. my husband likes you better than "that other one - why is it so expensive, anyway?" and my dog is oddly drawn to you.

so why don't you let me make it up to you and take you out to a nice dinner, alphabet'n numbers foam puzzle mat. you know i love you.

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