Tuesday, July 1, 2008

boobie tuesday! BornFree bottles


if you've heard about the dangers of certain plastics for your baby but the thought of using glass bottles makes you feel like a 1950s housewife, then let me introduce you to BornFree.

BornFree makes bottles, cups and accessories for your little one that are free of Bisphenol-A (BPA), Phthalates and PVC - all the things that the news tells you to be worried about. they were one of the first companies to do so.

not only are BornFree's products BPA-free, they also have a new innovative air vent that helps prevent ear infections and (supposedly) eliminate colic symptoms - although i have to be honest with you, having had a colicky baby, i don't think a bottle is going to be your cure. (try some valium instead. i kid! i kid! please don't write me angry letters.)

BornFree makes bottles, training cups and drinking cups so that your little one can be safe and BPA-free well past their first birthday. still not good enough for you? how about this: BornFree is giving away a year's supply of BornFree bottles to babies born on father's day - june 15, 2008! the offer is limited to the first 1000 entrants, so hurry up and get your free bottles, you lucky babies!

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